poet shire

poetry blog.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Shimmers of your love

In some ways we were meant to be together
Might not be physically
Might not be in any of those conventional communications
The world perceives,
May be in your poems
May be in the words you'd whispered
Long back, still lingers.
Since the time we encountered each other
I had a haunch,a feeing that I couldn't repress
Even your absence never bothered me
For I knew I knew
You were in my heart always even before we knew each other.

And when I knew you someday
That hidden haunch got a meaning
That when I meditated upon. I knew you came into this world to fill my heart with love so pure, you have become a symbol of love in my heart . Every day it radiates upon me like a sun's blaze beaming upon me to fill me with an everlasting spirit of love. Thanks for being in my heart, for a sufi saint has said,"follow the light of your heart, it knows the way " . I know that love, that light in my heart is filled by you . It is everlasting mesmerizing, youthful and filled with compassion which has no ends.
Thanks for being a symbol of love in my heart. 

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