poet shire

poetry blog.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

कहीं खोया खोया रहूँ ।

आ आलिंगन में बांध लूँ मैं,
तम्हे कभी न जाने दूँ मैं,
गेशु घने की छांव में , ये सारी  उम्र ही गुजर दू मै ,
तेरो अधरों की मुस्कान को मैं प्यार में बांध लू,
कभी जाने न दू मै।
कमल कोपल सी कमली नयन शुशोभित पे,
दैदिप्प्य संवार दू मै।
इस तन आवरण से जिससे तू मुझे रिझा रही हो ,
उधेड़ कर इनको तम्हे पा लूँ मैं,
इतना प्यार करूँ इतना प्यार करूं मैं,
कभी जाने न दू मैं।

तुझमे यूँ  डूबा-डूबा सा रहूँ मै ,
की मैं कौन हूँ , ये भी भूल जाऊं मैं,
और कभी देखूं  कभी अक्श कोई ,
तुमको ही पाऊँ मैं।
तेरी हर अदा को कविता में देखा करूँ ,
हिये में तस्वीर तेरी नित उकेरा करूँ मैं,
हर कला की हर साधना में साधा करूँ मैं,
आलिंगन में बांध लूँ,
कभी न जाने दूँ मैं।

रात दिन तम्हे लिखता रहूँ,
तुझमे डूबा डूबा कहीं खोया खोया रहूँ मैं।

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Trapped in blue pearl

The crystal shine on that blue pearl was a little purple a lil' hazy,
And shine on the green was added with a Ry sounded greenery,
The bliss of ambiance was making it divinely,
I couldn't sleep the whole night,
Cause there was no night no day,
Just the shine of pearl which was a lil purple and hazy?

I could plough the field and sow the seed all day long,
And there were no days that we could count ,
I could wait here all the years and 
And see how the flower in field  grows and blooms,
Cause there was no tiredness just lil satisfaction 
Seeing it blooming and the aroma 
Would give the meaning to the shine
Shine of blue purple which was purple and hazy?

The oceans we depart don't know whats the distance to other shore,
All i know i got a boat and i could row all day long,
And the days would be never be long enough
And there is no night there, in the clear pearl shine 
The shrine was in the wilderness and 'twas  was most civilized manner,
Where i lay waiting drifting slowly but surely,
I'll reach that shrine most beautiful,
And escape the crystal shine of that blue pearl that was a lil purple a lil' hazy.
